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We’ve just returned from 3x back-to-back coaching trips in the Southern Atolls, a 1hr domestic flight south from Male International Airport. Our team of Nic, Beth and Yaman welcomed a total of 22 lucky punters aboard Assidha – a gorgeous, 26m vessel, in search of some of the most idyllic waves on earth.

Heading to this remote region of The Maldives is a truly unique experience; one that’s becoming increasingly special as lineups elsewhere become more crowded. Fortunately, solitude can still be found if you’re willing to put in the effort, and our guests revelled in surfing some seriously high-quality waves alone. Don’t just take our word for it – read on to hear how both our crew and guests enjoyed themselves scoring empty waves in The Maldives’ Southern Atolls.


It was your first time in the Southern Atolls; summarise it in one sentence…

The most beautiful and bountiful surf adventure I’ve ever been on.

How would you describe the waves in this region?

Went left, a lot. (In contrast to predominantly rights in the Central Atolls). Next level wave consistency. An excellent training ground to improve your surfing and bags of fun.

Which was your favourite wave?

Sorry, that’s too difficult…top three would be Beacons – for levelling up your barrel game, Blue Bowls – for easy entry waves, rippable sections and tube riding on the end section, and Tiger Stripes – an excellent progression wave for coaching on lefts.

How does it compare to other tropical destinations you’ve been to?

It doesn’t compare. It’s now my favourite tropical destination. Uncrowned, super reliable, progressive waves and not much travel time between spots means more hours surfing. It’s definitely one of highest wave counts I’ve had on a trip and you get to share them with like-minded surfers who are all there for the adventure.

What was the most memorable moment of the trips?

The new friendships formed on every trip was beautiful to be a part of. Everyone who joined brought the stoke and zero egos onboard which created a nurturing environment….and cake, everyday!!

What was the most memorable coaching/progression moment of the trip?

Everyone who joined the trips brought the stoke and embraced the coaching process. Everyone is at different stages of their surfing journey and everyone was genuinely respectful and supportive of one another, no matter what level they were.
It’s an honour and exciting to be on that journey with so many like-minded and amazing humans. To be able to share knowledge and help people to the next level makes me stoked.
I’ve learned so much from every single person on these trips. I gain new perspectives and learn new ways to deliver information, so it really progresses my coaching and I am thankful for this.


Are there any other surprises people may not expect to find in the SA’s? 

Did I mention there was cake…everyday!!
Sometimes it felt like we were the only people floating around those atolls. It was absolutely stunning and really felt deserted. So much sea life. Without fail, everyday we would see an abundance of dolphins and sea turtles.

How many waves do you think you’ve surfed these past 30-days?

Ten waves a day at least, so has to be in the three hundreds.

What advice would you give to surfers who are looking to surf this region?

Do it…but don’t tell all your friends about it, it’s a secret.
The flight down there is surprisingly easy .
If you’re planning to surf Beacons, bring a step-up kind of board. Nothing too crazy, just a board with a bit of extra length and volume to get you into the wave early. This will help prevent the veins popping out the side of your neck as you drop in to one of the waves of your life.

What’re your plans now your first stint of the season is done?

After thirty four days on a boat, I need to learn how to walk again.
It’s a busy couple of months. I head back to Sri Lanka to finish coaching for the season, then off to Krui (Indo) to get coached myself and learn new skills. Then I’m excited to be back with Renegade for May/June in the Maldives.


It was your first time in the Southern Atolls; summarise it in one sentence…

One of the best months of my life! 

How would you describe the waves in this region?

Super fun and playful. Reliable, consistent, rippable lefts and rights. 

Which was your favourite wave?

Blue bowls. It’s a beautiful right-hander. Easy take off then a big, long, open face. The perfect training ground. 

How does it compare to other tropical destinations you’ve been to?

It’s now one of my favourite places in the world to surf for a few reasons; It’s consistent, the whole month we were there, there was always a wave. The lack of crowds, which is getting harder and harder to score on. I would guess that 40%-60% of our sessions we scored alone. Maximum in a line up was probably 20 people, which means your wave count is really high. They aren’t the most critical waves I’ve surfed compared to somewhere like Indo, but so much fun and so perfect to improve your skills. 

What was the most memorable moment of the trips?

There were a lot! But one would have to be finishing the third trip at Beacons and watching the whole group really push their limits. The adrenaline was pumping for everyone that day, there was a lot of barrel hunting going on!

What was the most memorable coaching/progression moment of the trip?

For me, the memorable aspect was the supportive nature of every group. Naturally, there are differences in experience and ability, but with out fail every group was so supportive. That created the perfect environment for everyone to push themselves and not feel self-conscious. There was no ego. This resulted in everyone improving. 

Are there any other surprises people may not expect to find in the SA’s?

It’s so insanely beautiful in the south, and so quiet which really adds to the beauty. We saw dolphins every day, to the point where you don’t even bother looking by the end, you’ve seen so many. There are turtles chilling in the line up with you. Curious nurse sharks will come hang out by the boat. I even saw a humpback whale in the distance whilst sat in the line up. It really adds to the uniqueness of this location. 

How many waves do you think you’ve surfed these past 30-days?

I’ve just done a quick calculation and it’s over 250. And I was missing a session each day due to filming! 

What advice would you give to surfers who are looking to surf this region?

If you’re main focus is uncrowded, consistent waves and you’re not looking for gnarly barrels then the south atolls is the place for you. Don’t be put off by the internal flight down there, it was straight forward and hassle free. 

What’re your plans now your first stint of the season is done?

I’m back home in England for a couple of days of R&R and then I’m heading over to southern Costa Rica to coach at a women’s surf retreat for two months.



You’ve spent a lot of time in this region. How did this March compare to previous times you’ve been here?

March has been really consistent. We were mostly delivered South-southwesterly swells throughout the 30 days. With a few south-easterly swells as well. the wind was light throughout the whole month, which is actually expected in March. The light winds allowed us to surf at different spots. However, if we had gotten more westerly swells we would have been able to surf the west side of the atoll more.

How would you describe the waves in this region?

I would say Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll has the most diverse variety of waves in the Maldives. We have soft left-handers that can hold a lot of size (Tiger Stripes) and is really consistent, to a more advanced left-hander that is only an hour away (Love Charms). The rights can range from more performance style waves such as Blue Bowls, Kaafena right and Lips(Thinadhoo), to more advanced technical barreling rights such as Beacons, Castaways and Five islands. There are also beginner waves such as antiques and two ways as well.

Which is your favourite wave?

As a regular footer I have to say I enjoyed surfing blue bowls on one of the bigger days. We didn’t really score it due to swell direction, but Kaafena right will get a shout as well.

What was the most memorable moment of the trips?

Surfing Beacons on the last day was definitely the most memorable moment of the trip. Watching everyone charge some solid waves was special.

What was the most memorable coaching/progression moment of the trip?

In all three trips I saw the progression of all the guests from day one to the last day. From being able to improve their bottom turns, to working on more advanced maneuvers. The most memorable would have been seeing one of our guests (Victor), charging Five islands with just me and another guest. It is an advanced wave and he did really well.

How many waves do you think you’ve surfed these past 30-days?

At 9 different surf breaks I’ve surfed 380 waves in 30 days. I have a Garmin watch that I used throughout the trip and it counted how many waves I caught.

What advice would you give to surfers who are looking to surf this region?

Definitely bring the right equipment. Bring the boards you are used to but if you’re coming on a 3-4 surf trip, a step up, a high performance short board and also a fun board should be recommended.

What’re your plans now your first block of the season is done?

I’ll be back in Male’, resting for a few weeks and will jump on some more trips throughout the season!


It may come as no surprise that our crew absolutely loved their time down south, but what did our guests have to say?


It was your first time in the Southern Atolls. How would you summarise it in one sentence?

It’s a tropical paradise down there. The clearest water I’ve ever seen and an abundance of sea life. It’s basically like I’d jumped into the cartoon setting of Moana, with an incredible variety of waves as the cherry on top!

How did the waves compare to what you were expecting?

Mmmm, I’ve learnt to be more relaxed around surf expectations! Although friends had questioned if the swell was going to be good enough that time of the year. I just thought it would be weird to put on a level 3/4 surf trip if Renegade didn’t think there was a high chance of good waves. I trusted that whatever happens would be better than 6/5 of neoprene with hood, gloves and boots!

Have you had coaching before?

Only in the past year but just a couple of sporadic sessions in not so great waves and one at The Wave in Bristol. It did mean that I’d been through the humbling experience of seeing myself on video before the trip!

What was your biggest takeaway from the coaching?

I loved it and it was challenging! I was totally up for having my surfing pulled apart to rebuild it in a far more technical way. Nic was really good at positively affirming in his coaching, battling my own self-criticism was the challenge! In the past I’ve ‘gotten away’ with charging some fairly sizeable  and scary waves like Cloud Break & Teahupoo, for example. Going left was always a pop up, grab rail and wish for the best! Because of the swell direction and wind we mostly went left on smaller waves which I wouldn’t have asked for, but was exactly what I needed to learn how to actually put turns in on my backside surfing.

What was the most memorable surf session?

Without a doubt Blue bowls on day three. I was terrified and electrified in equal measure. I think they were the biggest waves I’ve surfed frontside. The vibe in the water was so fun with local guys, Hawaiians & our crew all calling each other into waves and cheering. There were a few boats watching and I had a female fan club excitedly cheering every time I caught a wave, which gave me extra energy for the paddle back out! I think I did close to 7 hours of paddling that day with a few minutes of surfing – so worth it!

What was the most memorable non-surf related moment?

Haha, karaoke night for Tia & Tyler’s birthday! After presenting birthday cards accompanied by the classic Stevie Wonder tune, one thing led to another and the microphone came out. It all began with Tyler & Alwins rendition of Spice Girls, ‘Tell Me What You Want’. A couple of Yaman’s (surf guide) local mates and their Aussie guests came over, and by the end of the night we’d had an array of bangers from across the globe being being performed! One of the funniest nights I’ve had in a long time.


Favourite wave?

Initially I’d say Blue bowls but each one had their unique thing. I actually had a really fun time at Love Charms when it was shoulder high and I felt myself start to consistently go rail to rail in my manoeuvres. Plus Tia and I surfed it on our own with a friendly turtle the next day which was incredible.

Is there anything that came as a surprise to you during the trip?

Not sure, I think perhaps the size of the cabins, they were all a really good size to share with another person. I love people, but I like my own space and need time on my own to recharge. The boat had plenty of space to do this under shade which is vital as the sun was so strong!
Oh, and having both a female (Beth) and local guide (Yaman) was a huge added bonus to the experience. Come to think of it, this was a surprise to have Nic, Beth and Yaman. They worked really well together. The quality of Beth’s filming and her dedication to it was on another level. Yaman is a legend, I have a little soft spot for him! And his comms with other local guides who had eyes on other breaks was invaluable. Nic is a master in the field of surf coaching, you can tell he’s really passionate about it.

What would you say to someone who is considering a surf coaching trip?

Without a doubt this is the best £3k I’ve ever spent on myself. I wish I’d got coaching before but so happy that I’ve started now. So grateful that I chose to go to Maldives on a surf coaching boat trip rather than just surf guiding. A total game changer, saving up the pennies for the next one!

Where are you heading next?

Heading out to France next week to snowboard but first I’ll get back into the seal suit and catch a few cold ones at my local break in Aggie!


It was your first time in the Southern Atolls. How would you summarise it in one sentence?

It was incredible. Super remote, empty lineups with perfect waves consistently rolling in!

How did the waves compare to what you were expecting?

The waves were spot on! I wanted to go on this trip to be somewhere un-crowded and have perfect waves peeling in. It was exactly that. Consistent waves and most of the time it was just our crew of 7 in the water. The swell changes, of course, but we always had options and always had super fun wave to surf for the full 10 days of the trip.

Have you had coaching before?

Yes. This was my third time on a Renegade surf coaching trip to the Maldives. The coaching really helps me improve which means I can have a lot more fun on the waves.

What was your biggest takeaway from the coaching?

For me it was to slow down! I had a lot of unnecessary movement going on, especially with my arms. Once I got this under control and using my arms correctly, the body followed and my surfing become a lot smoother and I was able to generate more speed to enter manoeuvres. It’s hard to spot these things on your own. The video analysis and daily feedback was game changing.

What was the most memorable surf session?

At a break called Blue Bowls… it’s a right, it was in our first few days of arriving and the swell was a decent size. Some solid sets coming in. It was just 3 of us out including Nic our surf coach. He helped us get way deeper than our usual comfort zone, and gave us the confidence to catch the biggest of the set waves which was super fun! I’ll never forget those waves that day!

What was the most memorable non-surf related moment?

You can’t beat how special the tiny islands are! Going ashore for a sunset beer on a tropical Island no bigger than a football pitch. The snorkelling is also incredible around all the reefs. But I think my favourite moments are post surf beers on the roof, hanging out with everyone and sharing stories from the day.

Favourite wave?

Blue Bowls… a super fun, perfect right.

Is there anything that came as a surprise to you during the trip?

Not really! I’ve been on a few Renegade surf trips and they always deliver the perfect surf adventure! 10 days of uncrowded surfing in paradise! It was exactly that, and it’s why I choose to go with these guys!

What would you say to someone who is considering a surf coaching trip?

Coaching is always going to improve your performance on the wave.. even if you just want to have fun. You’re going to get so much more out of the wave and your surf sessions with coaching. It’s the small things that make all the difference. It’s a hard sport to improve in when you don’t know what you’re doing wrong or not doing effectively! A coach will spot these things immediately and you’ll be surprised at how your surfing improves so quickly! If you want to have more fun, longer rides, catch better waves, or overcome your fears! That’s where a coach will take your surfing to the next level!


It was your first time in the Southern Atolls. How would you summarise it in one sentence?

The Southern Atolls with it’s fascinating marine life is unique, and the surf spots are not far away from each other which means more time in the water.

How did the waves compare to what you were expecting?

The wave size and how they break was totally manageable. I wished I would have had more energy in the water but we still surfed all day.

Have you had coaching before?

Yes, I have been coached several times.

What was your biggest takeaway from the coaching?

I have a more targeted focus on my arm movements in different manoeuvres on front and backside surfing. The daily video analysis is the key to improve yourself.

What was the most memorable surf session?

The one where I had a dolphin in my wave on my backside (on video 😁)

What was the most memorable non-surf related moment?

Snorkeling in crystal clear water and seeing huge live corals

Favourite wave?

Blue Bowls

Is there anything that came as a surprise to you during the trip?

The wind was not a big issue so it was always surfable all day. I enjoyed that we surfed 50% alone with only our “go deeper” boat crew.


What would you say to someone who is considering a surf coaching trip?

Go for it because it’s a lifetime experience if you come with the right level you can surf in 9 days as much as your body allows.



And there we have it! A huge thanks to both our amazing team and guests who truly made these trips so special.

We’re on a brief hiatus until our Central Atolls season kicks off on Assidha’s bigger brother, Theia, on May 16th.

You can check out full information about our Central Atolls trips here.


Our 2024 season is fully booked, but be sure to keep your eyes peeled for 2025 dates dropping very soon.


Check out the YouTube edits from each of our Southern Atoll Coaching Trips here;


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